Saturday 25 July 2015

Week 1 - Moving House

A New Humble Abode

Moving house is a tiresome and tedious process even if you're moving few blocks away from your existing house. What i dread most is the fact that I'm moving in two days and there are still so many things that has to be done. Clearing out our cupboards, discarding possessions of sentimental value and packing the rest into boxes made moving house a CHORE.

On the bright side, i have completely sort through my art stash. There were paints in there that were so old, they had sealed themselves shut. Markers and sets of colour pencils that i thought I loved, but had only used once …. so clearly hadn't love them as much as i thought.
I believe that objects that we hold on to for a reason that we like to reminded of should not be discarded. Me and my eldest sister shared this 'rocking cow' when we were a child. We kept it with us for more than a decade. 16 years to be exact. However my mother has been bugging us to give it away or sell it off at carousel. Why purge this adorable piece of memory? :( The object may be bulky but often enough they are objects that to others may appear to be just JUNK. 

There was no kitchen utensils as it is all packed and so i cooked a bowl or should i say "teko" (glass teapot) of curry noodles. Surprisingly, it was well-cooked!

I am definitely going to miss my old room. Honestly, before this i couldn't wait to move out as shared a room with my three other sisters. I also had the desire to decorate my own room and have my own space and privacy. However this room will forever remain in my heart as it played a huge part during my teenage years.


All in all this week is by far is the most tiring week I've been through. loads of Assignments were given on the first week of school and on top of that, me and my family were extremely busy packing last minute loose items in our old house in the morning. We had an open house yesterday and catered food for close friends and family. We actually expected them to help us load our things into the lorry from the old house but to our disappointment most of them were unwilling to help out. Thus we had lack of manpower and took a long time to get the work done.Mayhem ensues when my dad left the house abruptly. My eldest sister had to take over my dad’s responsibility and delegated those who volunteered. and the movers. We were all stressed out as we were angry with our dad’s unexplained action. He literally left us to decide which things that are to be left or brought to the new house, including the huge furnitures. Only when the lorry arrived at the new house our cousins decided to help as they saw the amount of things that needed to be unloaded,

Despite all the frustration i am still thankful to have my family to help us. I also get to live in a fully renovated house for the first time.Thank god i prepared a draft in my daily-written journal and after a week of no WiFi, my dad finally got the WiFi to work so that i could complete this blog!

a pic of our empty new house before all the boxes came in

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