Sunday 2 August 2015

Week 2 - The Journey

Group Work 1 
For this week's Creative writing class Lesson, we were told to bring a few items and we were supposed to create a structure using straws to prevent an egg from breaking from a high level.
Our design, as seen from above was asthethically pleasing but the structure was not strong enough to prevent the egg from breaking. I learned that it is important to plan first before attempting to work on the group project. 

     It has been a week plus since i last moved in to my new house and I finally had the time today to visit the park in front of my house for the first time. The scenery of the park through my bedroom window is extremely beautiful and i wouldn't trade that for anything else. The clouds in the sky create a nice cool blanket from the hot sun. I did not realise how fortunate i am to have the convenience to visit this huge park whenever i want. I wasn't expecting to find so many interesting things just by watching people, but amazed at what I did discover. As I began to take my walk, the sound of children laughing and playing aroused my curiosity of what they are doing. Children were all over the place and were shirts that had their favourite characters on them and majority of the children were playing hide-and-go-seek .
view from my bedroom

Alice and Wonderland Themed park
I appreciate how this newly constructed park incorporates Alice in Wonderland as the theme by putting wooden signs to encourage children to be creative and imaginative. However I feel that the park could've been more attractive if they added the characters from the movie as well as the prominent parts of the movie in to the park such as:

-The Mad Hatter (Mad Tea Party)
-The March Hare
-Tweedledee and Tweedledum sculptures (as part of the decoration to the theme)
-The Cheshire Cat
-A Talking Doorknob (at the start of the running Track)
-A garden of singing flowers 
-Down the Rabbit hole (as the slide)
-Queen of Hearts Card Castle (as a Maze in the park)

I used to play the pipe phone alot with my friends after school when I was younger. I remember how we used the pipe phone as a form of communication to share our lame secrets to one another! Back then Kids were not indulge in any kind of electronic gadgets!

It was very pleasant to see young kids exercising happily with their siblings and friends. Some of them even attempted to do incline push ups and sit ups (as seen from the photos above) I was amazed at how little teenagers/ adults my age there were at the park. This shows that as we grow older we tend to neglect our health.

 I witnessed a few boys jumping off to the ground from the top of the slide. (as seen from the photo above) I was very disturbed at their caretaker as they ignored the fact that the kids are playing recklessly. 
Feeling annoyed, i got off the bench and headed over to the aesthetic playground.

I admire the line work of that particular playground as it was aesthetically pleasing. I love how this park fits in two types of playground for kids to play. i had a very relaxing time sketching the playground in my journal. All in all, I feel that this park is necessary for the health and happiness of the residents around my housing estate as it is well equipped. That said, I will visit this beautiful park again when I'm free. 

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