Monday 31 August 2015

Week 6 - Lateral Thinking


For this week's class we were thought about lateral Thinking. We were given 3 problems which requires us to think out of the box to solve it.

1) Connect the dots using only 3 lines.

A simplified analogy is "the box" in the commonly used phrase "thinking outside the box". What is encompassed by the words "inside the box" is analogous with the current, and often unnoticed, assumptions about a situation. Creative thinking acknowledges and rejects the accepted paradigm to come up with new ideas.

2) Move 3 balls such that the pyramid is pointing down

I instantly solved this problem when it was given as compared to the first one.

3) Trace this shape without lifting up your pencil

I came to a conclusion that solving these problems requires lateral thinking which is not necessarily obtainable by using traditional step-by step logic. Lateral Thinking requires an indirect and creative approach.

Ceramics Induction

Ceramics Induction

The ceramics induction was definitely beneficial for me in a sense that I got to learn a new and interesting skill for the first time! At first it was quite difficult for me as I had a hard time centering the clay on the wheel. With the help of Mr Dicta. I manage to raise my clay and created a cute pot(photo above). I learned that ceramics is long process work that requires patients. A piece of ceramic takes more than a week to be completed.

Wednesday Portluck!
I feel very thankful to have met these wonderful people during my orientation days. We bonded over this past 2 months and our friendship is still growing. We made a point to bring home food or should I say mini portlucks every Wednesday!

Lesson on Shape and Space


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