Sunday 20 September 2015

Week 8 - Analogical Thinking 2

Analogical Thinking 2
A brief introduction to the nature and value of analogical thinking from Analogical introduction video

For this week's lesson we did quizzes in class on Analogical Thinking to further our understanding about it.


Type 2

 Type 3

Type 4

Type 5

Type 6

After doing all the quizzes I realised that I was unable to do most of the questions as there was a number of words that i did not understand. This simply shows how limited my vocab is and that I should read more books so that I encounter more bombastic words. These quizzes required me to think in a different approach it as the asnswers are all almost similar. All in all i feel that doing  all the quizzes definitely inspire to learn more new ways to associate two different things together.

Completing work at the eleventh hour

I hate doing work last minute. BUT IT ALWAYS HAPPEN. This shows how unorganised and not discipline I am when it comes to work. i was literally  running around like a headless chicken 
trying to complete all my assignments. My drawing on Venice was definitely one that was very time consuming. However, i managed to BE EXTREMELY PATIENT to complete the detailed drawing. I am very proud of this last minute artwork that I did.

Above is the outcome of my completed work. I  realised that the bottom line to procrastination is to not panic. The work is going to get done one way or another and you owe it to yourself to not let things get in the way. EFFORT AND PATIENCE IS KEY TO COMPLETE A GOOD WORK.

Below are my works on Silhouettes. For my 2D assignment, i realised that PLANNING is absolutely important as it is very much related to graphic design. It is not like my Drawing Fundamental class where I can simple copy an image an draw it realistically on a drawing block.

Below is my final piece for this assignment. I used vibrant colours for the collage in contrast to the black silhouettes at the back.

Young at Heart
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PARENTS. Their birthdays is on the same week. So we celebrated 2 times!
15/9/19 (Mom's B'Day)
A year older a year wiser
 19/9/15 (Dad's B'Day)

look at my mom! Her beauty is as radiant as a thousand suns


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