Sunday 4 October 2015

Week 10 - Force Connection 2

Sadly, this week is our last creative thinking class with Miss Debra. She was definitely an inspiring lecturer that thought us how to think out of the norm. I genuinely enjoyed every class that was conducted by her. Her class was not stressful unlike the other heavy modules. Thankfully she'll be guiding us for Arts in Practice module after our asessment week!

For our last lesson, we were tasked in class to brainsorm on creative forced connection ideas. Below is my groups ideas.

1) Glove Fan by Julia
Below is her mind map on her idea.

2) shoe that hovers by Hasyasyah
inspired by the travellator that enables users to relax

Also, Hasyasyah wanted th shoe to be liquid proof so that the shoe will last long without getting dirty.

3) multifunctional umbrella by me

4)Shower that dispenses soap and shampoo by Sheriel

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