Monday 10 August 2015

Week 3 - SG50 + Wedding Affair

SG50 + Wedding Affair

I woke up late on an important day; it was my best friend's brother's wedding. I rushed to the bus top with my ex-link card ready. When I entered the bus I realised that it was National Day and that public transport was FREE!!
It was such a pleasant feeling to enter the MRT Gantry without tapping!

This year's National Day is definitely one to remember as it is a celebration for the country's golden jubilee year. Almost all over the estates in Singapore was decorated SG50 flags, logos and banners.
Suddenly i felt the sense of joy and I feel proud to be a Singaporean. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt very thankful that this country gave me the opportunity to learn, inspire and be safe.

I was amazed by the number of people who wore red and white that day to celebrate the National Day. This shows how patriotic and united Singaporeans are.

While I was on my way to the sacred Sultan Mosque at Arab Street for the Solemnisation, I saw a group of cyclist at the traffic light wearing t-shirt's with the Singapore flag on it. I find the design very unique and awesome! Looking at this could feel the unity in the friendship and relationship among the cyclists.

I manage to take a close-up photo of one of the cyclists. When he noticed that I was taking his photo he gave a thumbs up and a big smile.

When the bride and groom recited their vows my eyes teary.
Ater the solemnisation we head to the Golden Landmark Hotel to celebrate the wedding

selfie of me and my best friends!
For a normal HDB dweller, we normally have our wedding held user the HDB block or at a multi-purpose hall. Therefore, if we were to be invited to a malay wedding held at a hotel, it is considered grand.
we were given the task to be a flower girl. I actually enjoyed tossing the flower confetti at the bride & groom as they pass by the aisle.

I was invited by the groom's family. The groom's side was adorned in white champagne malay traditional costumes whereas the bride's family was in red to commemorate National Day. I notice that the bride's family who are descendants of Arab and live in London were very loud, confident & celebrative compared to my friend's family who were quite recluse and low profile. I could tell that my best friend felt intimidated by their loud and strong behaviour as she seemed uneasy and quiet the whole time. AKWARD….
Nevertheless, the three of us were around to give her moral support and companionship so that she can keep her head high and enjoy the wedding.


For this week's Creative Thinking class, we were suppose to present on the topic that was given to us as a group which is 101 Ways to Use Wood. My group did not do a good job in this week's group work as we did not meet up and discuss before the presentation. jobs were delegated through whatsapp.    
We actually completed the mahjong paper before class started which was put together at the eleventh hour. During class we realise that whatever that  we put up or drawn were all essentials and practical ideas.
so we decided to come out with creative ideas such as

Even with the jotted 20 creative ideas we did not execute the presentation as it did not tally with the drawings that we did on the mahjong paper. We all regretted that we did not put our heads together and did not execute the project and presentation properly. I vow not to make the same mistake again.

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